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About us


Impoline, founded in 2018, has consolidated its presence in the administration, logistics, medical products, construction products and mining sectors. Throughout its trajectory, the company has stood out for its innovative approach, aspiring to become a reference supplier in customer and supplier relationships.
Gracias a nuestro profundo conocimiento de los productos, garantizamos un suministro de materiales de la más alta calidad, asegurando así una provisión constante para satisfacer las demandas y expectativas de nuestros clientes.
Nos esforzamos por mantener estándares de excelencia que respalden la confianza depositada en nosotros. Además, asumimos un compromiso claro y consciente con el medio ambiente. Conscientes de la importancia de la sostenibilidad, implementamos prácticas que contribuyen a la preservación de nuestros recursos naturales y minimizan nuestro impacto ambiental. Este compromiso se refleja en cada aspecto de nuestras operaciones, demostrando nuestro compromiso con la responsabilidad social y ambiental.

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Committed to effectiveness

We are permanently committed to excellence and customer service.
Our dedication to quality, the continuous search for knowledge and the close relationship
with customers and suppliers are fundamental to our business philosophy.



Creating reliable and professional alliances

We represent prestigious international brands

Join our international alliance.
Let's create and innovate markets.


All our suppliers must have a Quality Management System, which is constantly monitored.


Our experience

Knowing and respecting the needs of our customers.
Improving day by day to offer the best service.
Working with a sustainable development approach.

Administration services
+ of 100 services
Mining supply
+ of 80 supplies
Logistical support
+ 70 support services
Strategic alliance
+ of 6 alliances by 2024

Our team

Gabriel Eduardo López Vergara


Logistics Chile
International logistics
Administration and finance

Cristian Yrarrázaval Wacquez


Commercial management
Commercial alliance
Business analysis

Flavia Parentti Perez


Hunter – Closers
Commercial Executive
Business opportunities

Our Mission

To become a benchmark company, providing our customers with a positive experience through quality service.
To be a reliable option in the commercialization and distribution of products to productive and service sector companies.

Our vision

To add value to our customers and suppliers, through quality service, in order to be recognized in the market as a reliable supplier.

Our values
  • Passion
  • Openness
  • Honesty
  • Transparency
  • Competitiveness
  • Teamwork
  • Customer orientation
  • Social responsibility
Quality Commitment

To know and respect the needs of our customers. To provide the best service and response to our customers. To work with a focus on sustainable development.

Some companies and institutions that have placed their trust in us

We are registered in ChileCompra platform

We stand out for the quality of our products, backed by certifications and strict quality control, an indispensable requirement to participate in the Public Market. To increase the visibility of our products and services, thus demonstrating our commitment to customer satisfaction and excellence in each offer.

News highlights

We have ISP Registration

Our value of responsibility is also supported by the importance of ensuring the quality of our products.
At Impoline we have taken it upon ourselves to provide the necessary confidence to our customers.

Contact us

Send us your questions and we will answer you as soon as possible.

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